Archived Press Releases


10/30/2014 - EDITORIAL: Honor the bravery, heritage, and tradition of America’s heroes

10/17/2014 - EDITORIAL: Share the love of community service during National Pro Bono Week, by Trey Apffel

09/15/2014 - EDITORIAL: Celebrate the Importance of American Freedom, by Trey Apffel

08/12/2014 - Local bar leaders, associations recognized for improving legal assistance to poor Texans

08/07/2014 - State Bar of Texas warns against unauthorized practice of law in unaccompanied minor cases

08/07/2014 - La Barra de Abogados del Estado de Texas advierte contra la práctica no autorizada de leyes en casos migratorios de menores no acompañados

07/23/2014 - 2014 Texas Gavel Awards winners announced

06/26/2014 - State Bar of Texas adds Fastcase as free legal research benefit alongside expanded Casemaker service

06/18/2014 - State Bar of Texas to honor Amarillo attorneys at Annual Meeting

06/18/2014 - State Bar of Texas to honor Austin attorneys during Annual

06/18/2014 - State Bar of Texas to honor Baylor Law School with pro bono award at Annual Meeting

06/18/2014 - State Bar of Texas to honor College Station attorney at Annual Meeting

06/18/2014 - State Bar of Texas to honor Corpus Christi attorney, judge at Annual Meeting

06/18/2014 - State Bar of Texas to honor Dallas attorneys, Dallas Bar Association at Annual Meeting

06/18/2014 - State Bar of Texas to honor Eagle Pass attorney at Annual Meeting

06/18/2014 - State Bar of Texas to honor El Paso Bar Association at Annual Meeting

06/18/2014 - State Bar of Texas to honor Fort Worth attorneys, Tarrant County Bar Association at Annual Meeting

06/18/2014 - State Bar of Texas to honor Garland attorney at Annual Meeting

06/18/2014 - State Bar of Texas to honor Harker Heights attorney at Annual Meeting

06/18/2014 - State Bar of Texas to honor Houston individuals, organizations at Annual Meeting

06/18/2014 - State Bar of Texas to honor Jefferson County Bar Association at Annual Meeting

06/18/2014 - State Bar of Texas to honor Livingston individual at Annual Meeting

06/18/2014 - State Bar of Texas to honor Longview attorney at Annual Meeting

06/18/2014 - State Bar of Texas to honor Lubbock individuals at Annual Meeting

06/18/2014 - State Bar of Texas to honor Lufkin attorney at Annual Meeting

06/18/2014 - State Bar of Texas to honor McKinney attorney at Annual Meeting

06/18/2014 - State Bar of Texas to honor Midland attorney, judge at Annual Meeting

06/18/2014 - State Bar of Texas to honor Richardson attorneys at Annual Meeting

06/18/2014 - State Bar of Texas to honor Rio Grande Valley attorneys at Annual Meeting

06/18/2014 - State Bar of Texas to honor San Antonio individuals, organization at Annual Meeting

06/18/2014 - State Bar of Texas to honor Texarkana attorney at Annual Meeting

06/18/2014 - State Bar of Texas to honor Tyler attorney, Smith County Bar Association at Annual Meeting

06/18/2014 - State Bar of Texas to honor Victoria attorney at Annual Meeting

06/16/2014 - State Bar of Texas to mark 50th anniversary of Civil Rights Act at Annual Meeting in Austin

05/27/2014 - Texas Bar Foundation funds State Bar of Texas Law Related Education program

05/01/2014 - State Bar of Texas presents 2014 Law Day Awards to Texas students

04/30/2014 - Allan DuBois of San Antonio elected State Bar of Texas president-elect

04/25/2014 - Roger Key of Lubbock elected State Bar of Texas board chair

04/23/2014 - State Bar of Texas to honor Amarillo judge, attorney

04/17/2014 - Battling substance abuse: New program targets youth users, Op-Ed by TYLA President Kristy Blanchard

04/10/2014 - New Texas Young Lawyers project battles substance abuse in youth

02/12/2014 - State Bar of Texas announces judicial poll results

01/30/2014 - Texas Young Lawyers Association names president-elect candidates

01/24/2014 - State Bar of Texas nominates president-elect candidates

01/24/2014 - State Bar of Texas announces changes to Insurance Trust

01/23/2014 - State Bar of Texas to honor San Antonio attorney for pro bono work

01/07/2014 - Entries sought for 2014 Texas Gavel Awards

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