State Bar of Texas Office of Minority Affairs
Included in the State Bar of Texas’ mission is the promotion of diversity in the administration of justice and practice of law. As the second largest state bar association of active members in the United States, the State Bar of Texas is committed to working toward a legal profession that reflects the vast demographics of the population it represents, and where all attorneys can thrive and excel.
The State Bar’s Office of Minority Affairs' programs are open to all attorneys.
This office works with the following State Bar of Texas committees and sections:
Native American Law Section
Office of Minority Affairs Initiatives
TMCP: The TMCP is the premier client development, networking, and CLE event for attorneys in Texas. The program is open to all attorneys. The conference’s unique format not only provides valuable CLE credit but also gives attendees an opportunity to discuss outside counsel opportunities. The Networking Through Service project, dine-arounds, wellness networking events, and receptions all maximize the opportunity for attorneys to connect and develop future professional relationships.
TMAP: Join us for a one-day CLE seminar open to all attorneys to hear important updates on areas of law and issues facing solo practitioners and small firms.
LeadershipSBOT: An initiative designed to increase leadership participation within the legal community and the State Bar of Texas.
Visit the LeadershipSBOT website for more details.
Pipeline Program: Visit classrooms to encourage students to pursue a career in the legal profession
Visit the Law Related Education website for more details.
Pre-Law Pipeline Programs in Texas:
Visit the Pre-Law Pipeline Programs website for more details.
VOICES Project: The VOICES project encourages attorneys to speak on State Bar of Texas programs, write articles for publications, and get involved in the many volunteer opportunities the Bar has to offer such as committees and sections.
Committees: Serve on a State Bar of Texas standing committee.
Visit the Committees website for more details.
Ten Minute Mentor Program: This popular program of the Texas Young Lawyers Association includes short audio presentations on diversity topics.
Contact Us
Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions.
Office of Minority Affairs
State Bar of Texas
P.O. Box 12487
Austin, Texas 78711-2487
(512) 427-1538
(512) 427-4439