Before you request an opinion:
Check to see if an ethics opinion has already been published regarding your subject by calling the State Bar of Texas Ethics Helpline at (800) 532-3947 or by searching the PEC opinion database maintained by the Texas Center for Legal Ethics.
To request an opinion from the PEC:
1. Prepare a written request that includes:
A. Your State Bar of Texas license number. (Only members of the State Bar of Texas may request a PEC opinion; anonymous requests are not accepted.)
B. A scenario of background facts in the hypothetical situation;
C. The question(s) presented;
D. A discussion of applicable authority. This may not need to be exhaustive, but should focus on specific disciplinary rules that may be involved and any case law, prior opinions, or opinions from other jurisdictions that may apply; and
E. A statement that none of the questions presented is pending before a court of this state.
2. Send your request to Chair, Professional Ethics Committee, by email at
3. Please note that the PEC will not issue an opinion on a particular lawyer advertisement, but will consider general forms of lawyer advertising. Also, the PEC will not issue an opinion that concerns interpretation of law or interpretation of the unauthorized practice of law.
4. The formal opinion process requires research, analysis, drafting, debate, and editing. You should expect that the PEC will take at least twelve months to issue a proposed opinion for public comment.