State Bar Board Approves Candidates, Appoints Diversity Committee Members
Written by Lowell Brown
ABOVE: Top from left, Christopher D. Pineda and U.S. Magistrate Judge
Irma Carrillo Ramirez are sworn into terms on the board; bottom from
left, Joseph A. Connors III receives a resolution from State Bar of
The State Bar of Texas Board of Directors voted September 30 to nominate
two candidates for 2023-2024 president-elect and appoint members to a
new standing committee on diversity, among other actions during its
quarterly meeting in McAllen.
Go to to watch the meeting in full and to read the agenda and meeting materials.
2023 Election Update
The board approved Jerry Alexander, of Dallas, and Steve Benesh, of
Austin, as candidates for 2023-2024 State Bar president-elect. Alexander
and Benesh will appear on the ballot in April 2023 along with any
certified petition candidates. Members interested in running for
president-elect as petition candidates have until March 1 to submit
nominating petitions to the State Bar for certification.
Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
In recognition of Suicide Prevention Awareness Month in September,
President Laura Gibson highlighted the State Bar’s attorney well-being
resources, including the Texas Lawyers’ Assistance Program, or TLAP,
which provides confidential help to lawyers, judges, and law students
with substance use and other mental health issues. TLAP and TexasBarCLE
are offering a free, one-hour CLE titled “What Lawyers Need to Know
about Depression and Suicide,” which is available at
Diversity Committee Appointments
The board approved Gibson’s appointments to the new Diversity, Equity,
and Inclusion Committee. The committee will identify opportunities
within the State Bar to create an environment conducive to diversity,
equity, and inclusion; assist in the creation of measurable goals; and
periodically report on progress toward achieving the goals set by the
board of directors, according to the resolution creating the
New Directors
Two directors were sworn into terms on the board: U.S. Magistrate
Judge Irma Carrillo Ramirez, of Dallas, federal judicial liaison to the
board; and Christopher D. Pineda, of Brownsville, who fills an unexpired
term as an at-large director.
Gibson honored McAllen criminal defense attorney Joseph A. Connors III
with a resolution for exceptional service to the legal profession and
the Hidalgo County community. Executive Director Trey Apffel recognized
Joanna Herzik, web content specialist, and Teri Rodriguez, webmaster,
with the quarterly Staff Excellence Award.
Looking Ahead
The next board meeting is scheduled for January 27 in College Station.
If you have comments for the board, please email them to
To find your district directors, go to
and click on “Board Members.”TBJ