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and COMMENTS, JULY/AUGUST 2022, P. 491

I’d like to echo Elizabeth Phillips in her endorsement of Hannah’s article, “Making Accommodations.”

I’m autistic. I ran into issues prior to law school. It is frustrating and saddening. There should be some codification of rights for disabled counsel that would guarantee dignity inside and outside the courtroom.

My friend, Haley Moss, the first openly autistic lawyer in Florida, is educating the public to protect neurotypical professionals with her book, “Great Minds Think Differently.” We should go further. At a minimum, the Texas Code of Judicial Conduct should have language to protect the dignity of our colleagues with disabilities.

I’m a proud Aspie, and if it hasn’t been claimed already, I would be proud to be the first openly autistic lawyer in Texas. I would be proud to work with my fellow pioneering cowboys and cowgirls to rustle up some rules for our great state of Texas on this matter.

Jacob Scholl


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