Worst. Closing Arguments. Ever.
Written by John G. Browning
We all know that trial lawyers in Texas have fairly wide latitude during closing argument. As you’re summarizing the evidence in the case and how it should lead the jury to find in favor of your client, you can say almost anything. You can wax poetic, tug at jurors’ heartstrings, and even summon the righteousness of an Old Testament prophet. But while younger lawyers sometimes ask me what they should do during closing argument, I rarely get any questions about what not to do in closing argument. So here are a few helpful, if tongue-in-cheek, pointers:
Don’t Threaten to Kill the Jury
This rarely works, as Richard Glawson, of Boston, can attest. In 2007,
Glawson was on trial for a number of serious charges stemming from a
2001 crime spree, including carjacking and assault with a deadly weapon.
Representing himself at trial, Glawson began his closing argument by
stating, “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I’ll kill all of you if you
find me guilty of any one charge, and that goes for your family, too.”
Apparently, this novel “threaten the jury” approach wasn’t a new one for
Glawson. His previous trial had ended in a mistrial after Glawson
actually punched an elderly juror (afterward, new charges of battery and
juror intimidation were added to what Glawson was already facing).
Glawson also was accused of kicking a Suffolk County Superior Court
officer in the head during what was described as a “courtroom outburst.”
Not surprisingly, Glawson was convicted on nearly all charges and was
sentenced to 45 years behind bars (or “bahs,” as they say in
Don’t Fake a Heart Attack—Especially if You’re Really Bad at
Keison Wilkins was on trial in Montgomery County, Ohio, in June 2008
on a variety of charges, including felonious assault. The Dayton man was
representing himself, and as he began his closing argument, he must have
sensed that he needed a “Hail Mary” to even get a mistrial. So, he faked
a heart attack, grabbing at his chest and then collapsing to the floor.
In a rather entertaining courtroom video that went viral (and is still
viewable on YouTube), skeptical deputies react, but it’s clear that
neither the judge nor anyone else in the courtroom is buying Wilkins’
performance. A nurse is summoned, who quickly finds nothing wrong with
Wilkins. Wilkins continues the act even after he’s returned to the
defense table, but everyone just looks bored. In a development that
shocked no one, Wilkins was found guilty and sentenced to 42 years in
prison. I guess that leaves him a ton of time to brush up on acting.
Don’t Use a Hand Grenade
While I’m normally a big fan of the value of demonstrative aids during
closing argument, I’m afraid I have to draw the line at explosive
devices. But apparently Hutchinson, Kansas, criminal defense attorney
Sam Kepfield disagrees. In November 2009, Kepfield was representing a
defendant, Anastasia Daily, on charges of forgery and theft. Daily’s
defense was that a co-defendant had threatened to hurt her daughter and
kill her dog if she didn’t go along with the scheme that resulted in the
charges. To help illustrate for the jury the concept of acting under the
compulsion of an imminent threat of bodily harm, Kepfield used an
unconventional method, to say the least, during his closing. He set a
grenade down, first on the ledge of the jury box and then on the
prosecutor’s table before suddenly pulling the pin and asking the
jurors, “Are you afraid now?”
Assistant District Attorney Amanda Voth later said she was too surprised to say anything, but Judge Richard Rome ordered Kepfield to get the grenade off the table. The stunt apparently didn’t sway the jury, since they found Daily guilty after deliberating for only 15 minutes. But Kepfield did make an impression on the local sheriff’s office and the Kansas Attorney General’s office, which opened an investigation after the incident was reported by the judge. And although Kepfield would not face criminal charges, the question remains: Which was the bigger dud, the dummy grenade or his closing argument?
Don’t Spontaneously Combust
Finally, we’ve all probably had the experience of listening to an
opposing attorney in court and secretly wishing that “liar, liar, pants
on fire” wasn’t just a phrase. But then again, we never got to witness
the bizarre turn of events in March 2017 in a Miami courtroom, when
then-28-year-old lawyer Stephen Gutierrez was making his closing
argument—only to have his pants catch on fire. Gutierrez was defending a
client, Claudy Charles, who was accused of intentionally torching his
car. Gutierrez had earlier tried to argue spontaneous combustion as a
defense. According to Gutierrez, during his closing he noticed that his
pants pocket felt hot (he had several small e-cigarette batteries at the
time). With the heat intensifying into flame and smoke, Gutierrez ran
from the courtroom straight to the men’s room. After dousing the
batteries in water, he returned to the courtroom, pants singed but
Gutierrez insisted that he didn’t stage the fire as a courtroom stunt but that didn’t prevent prosecutors from launching an investigation that concluded the young lawyer had likely ignited the battery. In 2019, Gutierrez pleaded guilty to Florida Bar violations, including filing a bogus insurance claim related to the arson case. In November 2020, Gutierrez’s license was suspended for 91 days. And in February 2021, the lawyer was arrested on a felony cocaine charge.
So, the next time you’re preparing for a closing argument that will
“kill,” when you’re “on fire” and ready to drop some bombshells, don’t
take it literally.TBJ
is a former justice of the 5th Court of Appeals in Dallas. He is the
immediate past chair of the State Bar of Texas Computer & Technology
Section. The author of five books and numerous articles on social media
and the law, Browning is a nationally recognized thought leader in
technology and the law.