Executive Director’s Page
Budget 101
One of my favorite moments as executive director so far happened on
one of my first days in the office. And believe it or not, it happened
at a budget meeting.
I was sitting with the State Bar of Texas Board of Director’s Budget
Committee on December 7 in the Texas Law Center’s boardroom. One by one,
our department heads came before the committee to justify their spending
plans and revenue projections for 2018-2019.
The staff had spent months carefully preparing their budgets and
subjecting them to the scrutiny of our finance division just to get to
this point. Now it was the budget committee’s turn to ask questions.
Presenting in this room can be intimidating, but the staff was
prepared, knowledgeable, and passionate about their jobs—whether it’s
providing direct services to members through TexasBarCLE or the Law
Practice Resources Division, expanding access to justice through the
Legal Access Division, or protecting the public through the Office of
Chief Disciplinary Counsel.
Then the moment came: When the presentations concluded, President Tom
Vick said he wished every Texas lawyer could have been in the room to
witness our staff’s professionalism and dedication. For an executive
director only a week into his job, I found these words reassuring.
The result of all this effort is the proposed 2018-2019 State Bar
budget, which is presented on Pages 182-184 of this month’s Texas
Bar Journal. As President Vick has reported, the proposed general
fund budget would reduce overall spending by 5 percent compared to this
year while adding money to our reserves—all without affecting member
services or cutting existing staff. This was made possible by the hard
work of our employees and the board’s Budget Committee, led this year by
President-elect Joe K. Longley. I applaud their work.
The State Bar budget is directly tied to our strategic plan and
mission. Activities supporting two of our core functions—service to
members and protection of the public—make up approximately 70 percent of
our budget expenditures. To view a breakdown of the budget by strategic
plan areas, go to texasbar.com/budget.
In the interest of transparency, this year we have listed the number
of “FTEs”—full-time equivalent positions—next to each department on Page
183 to give you a clearer look at where our staff resources are
concentrated. (Please note, though, that the number beside each
department on Page 183 represents the department’s total budgeted
expenses, not just salaries.)
You’ll notice there are three budgets listed on Page 182—General Fund,
Law Practice Resources Fund, and Special Revenue & Capital Projects
Funds—along with a Total Combined Proposed Budget. The general fund is
our operating fund, where about 87 percent of our revenues are deposited
and from which about 87 percent of our expenditures are paid. The other
funds are enterprise and governmental funds, which are separate from the
general fund to account for the specific purpose of that fund.
Now, it’s your turn to grade our work. You’re invited to a public
hearing on the proposed budget at 9 a.m. April 3 at the Texas Law Center
in Austin. Or you can send questions and comments to Finance Division
Director Tracy Jarratt at tjarratt@texasbar.com or (800)
204-2222, ext. 1481. We welcome your feedback.
Staff Excellence Award: Karen Peck
As executive
director, it’s my honor to present the Staff Excellence Award at our
quarterly board meetings. At our January meeting, the award went to
Accounts Payable Manager Karen Peck. Karen has dedicated her
professional life to the State Bar of Texas. This July, she will have
worked here for 42 years, which makes her the longest-serving member
currently on staff. Even more important: Karen is a standard-setter.
Everyone who works with her is inspired to match her quality of work. In
this way, she ensures that we consistently follow policy and procedures
when paying our bills. Bravo, Karen.
A Final Word
Although my column this month focuses mostly on staff, the work of the
State Bar of Texas could not get done without our dedicated members, who
volunteer their time and expertise to the boards, sections, and
committees that are this organization’s engine. On behalf of the staff,
I thank you all for your service.
Trey Apffel
Executive Director, State Bar of Texas
Editor-in-Chief, Texas Bar Journal
(512) 427-1500
@ApffelT on Twitter
Have a question for Trey? Email it to trey.apffel@texasbar.com and he may answer it in a future column.