Groundwater Law
A look at the ancient rule of capture and the modern Accommodation Doctrine.
By Justin Hodge and Graham Taylor
Jacob’s well was there, and Jesus, tired as he was from the journey,
sat down by the well. It was about noon. When a Samaritan woman came to
draw water, Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?” (His
disciples had gone into the town to buy food.)
“Sir,” the woman said, “you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. Where can you get this living water? Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well and drank from it himself, as did also his sons and his livestock?”1
ancient rule of capture can arguably be dated back centuries to Jacob’s
well and, as the English rule, has been a cornerstone of Texas law since
1904.2 The rule of capture simply states that owners of a
surface estate have no cause of action when adjoining landowners deplete
migratory resources under the property in the absence of negligence or
trespass. Said another way, Texans, like the ancient Samaritans and
Israelites, have the legal right to draw water from wells as did Jacob
and “also his sons and his livestock.”
In 1971, Texas adopted the modern Accommodation Doctrine in an attempt
to balance the scales between mineral and surface estates.3
It requires that owners of mineral estates reasonably accommodate the
use of the surface estate.4 The doctrine is violated when the
surface activities of the owners of the mineral estate are not
“reasonably necessary” to extract the oil or gas if the mineral owner
has other reasonable means of production available that will not
interfere with the surface owner’s use. Simply put, if reasonable
alternative drilling methods protecting the surface owner’s existing use
are available, the mineral owner must make reasonable
At first glance, these two doctrines seem somewhat contradictory.
However, rule of capture jurisprudence evolved to find that oil and gas
ownership was “in place,” meaning that owners of mineral interests had
vested property interests in the oil and gas notwithstanding the rule of
capture. Therefore, while someone else can take the oil or gas, they
cannot destroy it or render it valueless by not allowing someone to get
to it. The rule of capture in Texas jurisprudence has always applied to
groundwater, but applying the Accommodation Doctrine to groundwater is a
recent development. Oil and gas is historically recognized as being
“owned in place” whereas groundwater is not. While that may seem a
trivial distinction, ownership in place means that, subject to the rule
of capture, owners of the mineral estate have a vested property interest
in the oil and gas (or groundwater). As such, the “realty” includes the
resources below the surface and the owner of the land owns those
resources separately and distinctly and is accorded the usual remedies
against trespassers who appropriate the resources or act in a way that
destroys the market value of the resources.
In 2012, the Texas Supreme Court held in Edwards Aquifer Authority
v. Day that landowners own all groundwater under their land
separately, distinctly, and exclusively.6 The Day
case revolved around whether a compensable taking occurred when the
water authority issued restrictive permits establishing maximum amounts
of water that users could withdraw from the aquifer running underneath
their land. This necessarily called for an answer to whether groundwater
was owned in place. The Texas Supreme Court held that landowners with
groundwater under their property have a right to exclude notwithstanding
the rule of capture. After Day, the common law regarding the
ownership of groundwater in place states that each landowner owns any
groundwater beneath their property separately, distinctly, and
exclusively and is accorded the usual remedies against trespassers who
appropriate the groundwater or destroy its market value.7
In 2016, the Texas Supreme Court considered whether the Accommodation
Doctrine applied to groundwater estates.8 In Coyote Lake
Ranch v. City of Lubbock, the city of Lubbock had purchased the
ranch’s groundwater in 1953. In 2012, the city began mowing extensive
paths to prospective drill sites and the ranch sued to enjoin the city
from proceeding. The ranch argued that the city had a duty to use only
the amount of surface reasonably necessary to its operations and a duty
to conduct its operations with due regard for the rights of the surface
owner. Essentially, the ranch was pleading the Accommodation Doctrine,
which up to this point applied only to oil and gas estates. The city
contended that the law imposes no duty on groundwater owners to
accommodate surface owners. The court held that the Accommodation
Doctrine applies to solve conflicts between the surface and groundwater
estates in the absence of an agreement between the parties imposing
different standards. In order to apply the Accommodation Doctrine, the
surface owner must prove that the groundwater owner’s use of the surface
precludes or substantially impairs the existing use; that the surface
owner has no available, reasonable alternative to continue existing use;
and that the groundwater owner has reasonable, customary, and
industry-accepted methods available to access and produce the water
while allowing the surface owner to continue their existing
Coyote Lake Ranch and Day illustrate that landowners
with groundwater underneath their property are gradually receiving
increased protection under Texas law when their access and rights to the
groundwater are impaired or destroyed. The complete extent of this
expansion is yet to be seen but owners of groundwater estates now have
legal precedent seemingly on their side when arguing for compensatory
damages when their groundwater rights are adversely affected. Condemning
authorities can no longer claim that access to groundwater is an
incompensable interest without fighting against recent Texas Supreme
Court cases.10 The ancient rule of capture and the modern
Accommodation Doctrine have come together in a way that enhances the
chances of landowners with groundwater interests to receive compensation
when their groundwater rights are taken, damaged, or
JUSTIN HODGE is a trial lawyer concentrating on eminent domain and condemnation. A partner in the Houston office of Johns Marrs Ellis & Hodge, he also teaches a course on eminent domain and land takings at the University of Houston Law Center. Hodge has testified before the Texas Legislature to promote eminent domain reform. |
GRAHAM TAYLOR is a third-year student at the University of Houston Law Center and clerk at Johns Marrs Ellis & Hodge. |
The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the policy, position, or views of, and should not be attributed to, the State Bar of Texas.