Civil Litigation
Easy Access
Achieving a statewide system for electronic court records.
By Blake Hawthorne
Many Texas lawyers want statewide access to court records, similar to
the federal Public Access to Court Electronic Records service known as
PACER—and such a system is currently in the works.
A recent poll conducted by the Office of Court Administration found that
98 percent of the 3,000-plus Texas attorneys who responded said they
would use a statewide public records access system. The survey also
showed that many Texas attorneys and their staffs want to be able to
search the court records of all 254 counties at once, with the ability
to immediately download those records 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Their minimum expectations for available information would include basic
case details like party names, court name and location, the judge
assigned to the case, the attorneys on the case, and the docket
sheet—much like the PACER service.
Many Texas attorneys are also frustrated by a lack of uniformity in
online access to court records. While some counties provide online
access to their court records, others do not. Some counties that provide
access require attorneys to pay subscription fees, which can be
expensive when an attorney does not regularly work in that county and
needs to access only one case. Other counties provide access without a
subscription but charge $1 per page—which can quickly add up to a large
Members of the Judicial Committee on Information Technology—a committee
of Texas lawyers, judges, clerks, and court administrators appointed by
the Texas Supreme Court to study and recommend improvements to court
technology—have long heard the familiar refrain, “Why doesn’t Texas just
use the federal PACER system?”
Many years ago, members of the committee met with the Administrative
Office of the United States Courts to discuss whether Texas courts could
adopt PACER. An effort was already underway in Mississippi to see if its
state courts could use the federal system.1 But PACER’s
technology was aging at the time, and the federal judiciary was
preparing for a major overhaul of the service. Texas’s method of local
funding for and local control of court technology would have made it
difficult to implement PACER in all counties, each with varying levels
and types of court technology.
Instead of attempting to shoehorn PACER into technologically diverse and
locally controlled court case management systems, the Judicial Committee
on Information Technology pursued a different course for Texas. To
achieve statewide public access to court electronic records, it first
advocated for mandating electronic filing in all Texas courts. Without
mandatory e-filing, there could be no statewide access to electronic
court records, and Texas courts had been slow to adopt voluntary
With the committee’s urging, the Texas Supreme Court mandated e-filing
first for itself, then for civil cases in the courts of appeals, and
finally for civil cases in county and district trial courts. The Court
of Criminal Appeals recently followed suit and mandated e-filing for
criminal cases in Texas appellate, district, statutory county, and
constitutional county courts.
Committee members also proposed requiring the Texas e-filing vendor to
implement a statewide access system for Texas court records. When the
former vendor announced it would not renew its contract, the new vendor,
Texas-based Tyler Technologies, agreed to provide a statewide access
But how does one implement a single electronic access service for 254
counties that use a variety of case management systems? Fortunately,
regardless of the local case management system, each Texas court uses
the eFileTexas system to review and accept e-filed documents. When the
clerk accepts a document for filing, eFileTexas file-stamps the document
and returns a file-stamped copy to the filer. And eFileTexas has basic
case information about each filing (e.g., court name, judge assigned,
case number, attorneys on the case). By saving the file-stamped
documents and their associated case information through eFileTexas, a
searchable statewide access system can be created.
Not only is a statewide access system for court records possible but
Tyler Technologies is currently beta-testing such a system. Once a user
is registered and logged in with a username and a password, the service
provides a search function for looking up documents and docket
information. It then returns search results along with suggestions on
how to refine the results (like narrowing them to certain counties or
case types). Because the system is web-based and uses HTML5 computer
coding, it can be used on any device, including tablets and smartphones.
The beta version appears to quickly return search results and users can
create and organize folders for saving cases or search results. It also
alerts the user on the screen when new items are filed in a case. Future
improvements may include the ability to e-file case documents with the
click of a button.
Judges who hear cases in multiple jurisdictions will particularly
benefit from the features of the new system. Instead of learning to use
multiple county systems, they will be able to access their cases through
one website on the device of their choosing and organize their cases
into their own electronic folders, making it easier to keep track of
cases filed in different counties. For traveling judges—and lawyers
too—the ability to look up cases on mobile devices will be a great
Judges can access the beta system now by submitting a form to the OCA at Once
it is received, the office will provide judges with a username and a
Attorneys can expect to have access to the system this fall. Initially,
attorney access will be limited to cases that they have made an
appearance in. But once rules are put into place for the types of cases
that can be accessed through the system, members of the public will be
allowed to register, and attorneys will be granted the same access
rights as registered public members. Registered public access should be
available by next summer.
The system won’t be perfect, of course. Self-represented litigants are
not required to e-file documents (although some do). Also, because
judges are not required to e-file their orders, most orders will not be
available through the system (orders in some counties, however, are
filed electronically). This problem could be remedied if judges agreed
to transmit their signed orders to clerks through eFileTexas.
Other issues remain to be resolved as well, such as how the system
should be funded, if users should be required to pay a monthly
subscription fee, and if a PACER-like funding model should be adopted,
charging $0.10 per page with the cost of a single document capped at $3
or charging a combination of subscription fees and per page fees.
Lawyers seem to prefer the PACER model because they are familiar with
it. The Judicial Committee on Information Technology will study the fee
structure and make a recommendation to the Texas Supreme Court.
The committee and others will also study and make recommendations about
the case types, document types, and other case information that should
be available through the statewide access system and whether certain
types of cases and documents should be viewable by persons who are not
counsel of record in the case. Further study and improvement of the
rules regarding the redaction of sensitive data (e.g., bank account
numbers, social security numbers, etc.) will be needed. Enforcement of
these rules will continue to be an important topic for the committee and
the courts.
Despite these challenges, the new statewide public access service for
electronic court records promises to be a major advance for the
transparency and efficiency of the Texas court system.TBJ
BLAKE HAWTHORNE has served as the clerk of the Texas Supreme Court since 2006. Prior to his appointment, Hawthorne served as the court’s staff attorney for original proceedings. Before joining the court, he was an assistant attorney general for the state of Texas and an associate of Wiley, Rein & Fielding in Washington, D.C., and Jackson Walker in Fort Worth. |