In Recess
El Cantante
A Houston attorney-dance instructor puts his own spin on salsa dancing
Interview by Eric Quitugua
Houston attorney Michael Whitmire started his own dance program, SALSA
GRANDE, helping turn H-Town into a salsa city. Here he is dancing at
South Texas College of Law Houston, where he is also an adjunct
professor. Photo by Erika Sanabria.
Since the early 1990s, Michael Whitmire has been a unique ambassador for salsa dancing—doing it socially, performing in dozens of exhibitions, and teaching it to others. He’s become an expert in a group style known as “rueda,” in which couples form circles and trade partners. Drawing from his experience with salsa and other dance forms, he became an instructor, starting his own program, SALSA GRANDE. In Spanish, “cantante” means “singer,” but in a rueda, it is the person calling the moves and directing the dancers. At SALSA GRANDE, Whitmire calls for musicality and fun over complexity.
How did you get started dancing?
Where did your
interest in salsa come from?
I have a vivid memory of being in Houston in the fall of
1993 and attending dinner with a group of young Hispanic
lawyers at a Doneraki Mexican restaurant. A couple of ladies
in the group wanted to go to a salsa club afterward, so I
tagged along to a place called Extasis. I’ve lost touch with the
attorney, but she walked me to a corner of the club, showed
me some simple steps, and basically sent me down a road
that I didn’t imagine would become such a big part of my life.
What is it about the music that makes it so
fun to
dance to?
“Salsa” the condiment is a spicy mixture, and so is “salsa” as a
musical genre. The music that we currently describe with the
word “salsa” is rooted in traditional rhythms from Cuba, and
those rhythms came from an even older mix of rhythms from
the African slaves and the Spanish colonizers. When Cuban and
Puerto Rican rhythms were further mixed with jazz in New
York City, eventually the world became blessed in the late
1960s and 1970s with the modern version of salsa music. The
best salsa songs have great energy that comes from a long
rhythmical/cultural heritage, a blend of many instruments, and
lots of passion in the vocals. So, there’s usually something in salsa
music that feels familiar to a wide variety of listeners at a
level, even when they don’t actually understand the lyrics.
When did you begin giving lessons on dancing
how did it begin?
In late 2000, I became part of a studio’s performance/exhibition
team. Eventually, the instructor asked me to teach an hour-long
salsa class once or twice each week, which I started in 2007
and continued through 2012. During that time, I began to
choreograph stage routines. My first full choreographed routine
was performed at the Wortham Theater Center in
downtown Houston in 2009, and I’ve choreographed many others
since then. I left that studio in 2012 to start my own dance
program, SALSA GRANDE. We’ve had five appearances on
local TV, a couple of successful performances in California,
and dozens of other performances in the greater Houston
area. Now I focus on private lessons and periodic workshops,
rather than weekly classes, although I may return to weekly
dance classes at some point.
Do you get people in your classes who are
really shy
about dancing?
How do you get them comfortable
and confident on the dance floor?
It’s common to have someone who was encouraged (i.e.,
dragged into class) by a friend or significant other, despite
never having danced in public in his or her life. I try my best
to create a nonjudgmental atmosphere for the class generally,
and if students can’t guess that I wasn’t born into salsa culture
just by looking at me, then I tell them. So, I become “Exhibit
A” as someone who (1) didn’t learn salsa dancing until
becoming an adult and (2) isn’t a native Spanish speaker. Then
I break down the moves into easily understood chunks for
both leaders and followers. I’ll always include some discussion
of how to handle real-world dance situations and dance
floor etiquette. My classes/workshops involve a balance of
dancing to the music plus talking about ways to increase
your success on the dance floor.
Have you thrown in your own personal touch
to the
salsa dance regimen?
I’d like to think so. From a teaching perspective, I do my
best to make the dance accessible to people who may be
intimidated by the complexity of the music, who can’t understand
Spanish lyrics, who are nervous about interacting with
a person on the dance floor, or who fear that bystanders are
laughing at them. From a dance perspective, I place a heavy
emphasis on musicality, i.e., trying to express the nuances in
the music, rather than merely stringing together fancy
moves that aren’t connected to a song’s flow beyond just the
metronome aspect of counting 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8.
Who are your go-to bands/artists for
My first priority for music is the appropriate rhythm for the
level of students, so I don’t focus on specific bands or singers.
For beginners, I use songs with a slow-to-moderate tempo and
a very clear downbeat. As the dancers increase their skill level,
then I’ll include faster songs to challenge them physically,
plus a more complex beat to challenge their ears. Of course,
regardless of the speed, I also have to pick songs that I don’t
mind listening to when they’re repeated over and over and over.
Any favorite rueda moves?
I personally like moves that have the men spin and moves
where the full circle has to physically interact (such as holding
hands or switching partners), rather than each couple simply
doing a synchronized move independently for several eight counts
of music. My philosophy is that I can always do complex
moves with a single partner, but the rueda format is the
chance to do moves that I can’t do with only one person, so
I want to take advantage of that unique opportunity.
Why salsa?
It allows me to blend almost everything I’ve learned about musical
structure, dance movements, and human interaction. I can
point to specific aspects of my salsa dancing to my past experience
with break dancing, swing dancing, tango dancing, and
just grooving to Top 40 hits. I can incorporate musical understanding
from learning to play a plastic recorder in seventh
grade, a classical music course in college, and years of listening
to jazz. I can incorporate aspects of human interaction learned
from relationships (both successes and failures) or from playing
sports when it comes to motivation and/or teamwork for a group
of rueda dancers. I can use dance techniques from watching
Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire, Michael Jackson, and a host of other
dancers ranging from the famous to the unknown. Honestly, at
this point in human history, it’s difficult to do something that
nobody has ever done before, so even the greatest dancers
“borrow” from other people preceding them. TBJ