State Bar of Texas Volunteer Partners

These legal organizations strive to offer valuable services and programs for those in need of legal assistance, but who cannot afford it.

Visit these State Bar of Texas partners to discover additional volunteer options.

Paralegal Division of the State Bar of Texas

Click on "Membership" in the left-hand navigation bar. Next, scroll down to "Pro Bono Programs" to find programs in your area.

Texas Young Lawyers Association (TYLA) of the State Bar of Texas

Scroll down to the bottom right-hand side for "Pro Bono Information."

American Bar Association (ABA) Standing Committee on Pro Bono & Public Service and the Center for Pro Bono

The ABA site offers a library of materials for pro bono program administrators and volunteers as well as technical assistance, news, and training resources.

Pro Bono Institute

Georgetown University Law Center provides training and consulting to large law firms and corporations interested in making a commitment to pro bono.

Corporate Pro Bono

Corporate Pro Bono provides information for in-house lawyers and their companies interested in starting or expanding a pro bono program.

The State Bar of Texas thanks you for generously donating your valuable time and skills to help those in need.

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