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Voices of Recovery

Welcome to Voices of Recovery, a podcast where Texas attorneys discuss how they reclaimed their lives from substance abuse and mental health issues. We bring you these podcasts—and these lawyers are coming forward with their stories—to let members of the State Bar of Texas know that help is available and recovery is possible.

Episode 1: The Last Drink
A Texas lawyer explains how he reclaimed his life from alcohol and helps others to do the same.

Episode 2: Depression's Black Hole
A Texas lawyer explains how clinical depression nearly claimed his life, and how he found hope to carry on.

Episode 3: "The Worst of Me/The Best of Me"
A Texas lawyer who earned a "party degree" in college explains how she came to terms with her alcoholism and anger and finally sought help.

Episode 4: “No More Secrets”
A Texas lawyer tells of her struggles to achieve and maintain sobriety in spite of life’s worst challenges.

Podcasts now available on iTunes: Listen now on iTunes

CoLAP Podcast Series 
The American Bar Association Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs has developed a new podcast series about recovery. 

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