Texas Bar Journal
June 2011 | Volume 74, No. 6

Bob Black, managing shareholder in MehaffyWeber, P.C. in Beaumont, takes office as the 131st president of the State Bar of Texas during the State Bar Annual Meeting in San Antonio, June 23–24. A profile begins on PAGE 498.
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462 State Bar Update
466 Motions
to Disqualify in Texas State and Federal Court Litigation
By David Hricik and Jae Ellis
472 2011 Texas Bar Journal Short Story Fiction Writing Contest
- 474 Self
By Bradley M. Elbein - 478 The
By Drew Crownover - 482 Grounding
the Tutu Girl
By Gretchen S. Sween
- 486 Kindness
and Other Inalienable Rights
By E. Stephanie Hebert - 490 The
Secrets of a Client are Inviolate
By Janice Law - 494 The
Karmic Cabbie
By Regan Runnels Gillett
498 Service
and Education: Bob Black Takes Office as President of the State Bar of
By Kevin Priestner
Godbey Elected Chair of the State Bar Board of Directors
By Ellen Carnes
503 2011 State Bar and TYLA Election Results
504 Learning
to Live Like Holmes: A Tribute to the Justice on his 170th
By Martha Lackritz
508 In
the Arena: Theodore Roosevelt and the Law
By Talmage Boston
518 Proposed Annual Meeting Resolutions
522 Home
on the Range: Natalie Cobb Koehler to Serve as TYLA President
By Patricia L. Garcia
526 Solo/Small
Firm: Seven Steps to Client Loyalty
By Micah
458 Spectrum
460 President's
464 Technology
520 TYLA
President's Opinion
528 Disciplinary
534 Lawyers
on the Move
538 Laurels
540 Memorials
544 Classified
548 Client
550 Back
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