Texas Bar Journal

April 2011 | Volume 74, No. 4

April 2011 TBJ Cover

State Bar President-elect candidates Guy Choate of San Angelo and F.R. "Buck" Files, Jr. of Tyler share their perspectives on issues facing the State Bar and the legal profession. (PAGE 300) Texas Young Lawyers Association candidates David Courreges of Austin and C.E. Rhodes of Houston are featured on PAGE 338. Votes can be cast from April 1 to May 2, 2011, at 5 p.m. CST.

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282 The State of the Judiciary
By Chief Justice Wallace B. Jefferson

286 But Your Honor, He's an Illegal! Can the Undocumented Worker's Alien Status be Introduced at Trial?
By Benny Agosto, Jr., Professor Lupe Salinas, and Eloisa Morales Arteaga

294 Restoration Preserves Courthouse History and Traditions
By Jim McKinnis

300 State Bar President-elect Candidates Discuss the Issues

308 Supreme Court and Court of Criminal Appeals Orders: Amendments to the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure and Templates for Local Rules Governing Electronic Copies and Electronic Filings in the Courts of Appeals

316 Supreme Court Order: Amendments to Texas Rules of Civil Procedure 281 and 284 and to the Jury Instructions Under Texas Rule of Civil Procedure 226a

326 Independent Auditors' Report

334 Giving Heed to The Little Voice: TYLA Project Sheds Light on Child Abuse
By Patricia L. Garcia

338 TYLA Election 2011: Questions for the Candidates

342 Solo/Small Firm: Midyear Legal Checklist — Making an Impact Online
By Mike Androvett



The Texas Bar Journal (ISSN 0040-4187) is published monthly, except August, By the State Bar of Texas, 1414 Colorado, Austin, TX 78701, as a service to the profession. One copy of each issue is furnished to members as part of their State Bar dues. Subscription price to others, $12 (including sales tax); $15 to foreign countries. Single copies, $2.50 each (including sales tax). Periodicals Postage Paid at Austin, Texas and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Texas Bar Journal, P.O. Box 12487, Austin, Texas 78711-2487.

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