Texas Bar Journal
October 2010 | Volume 73, No. 9
Every child deserves a loving, permanent family. Yet many foster children drift for years among a variety of living arrangements. This issue of the Texas Bar Journal explores how the Texas legal community is working to improve Texas’ child welfare system and how attorneys can help the state’s most vulnerable children.
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732 A
Trend Toward Enforceability: Covenants Not to Compete in At-Will
Employment Relationships Following Sheshunoff and Mann Frankfort
By Eric Behrens
740 The
Impact of Child Protection Cases on General Civil Practice
By Charles Childress & Sandra Hachem
746 The
Role of the Judicial System in Improving the Lives of Texas’ Foster
By Rebecca Lightsey & Marcy Hogan Greer
750 The
Constitutional Rights of Children
By Barbara J. Elias-Perciful
754 Helping
the Child Left Behind: Improving Education for Foster Children
By Tina Amberboy
758 Texas
Foster Children Need Your Help
By Patricia M. Hogue And Kristy Sims Piazza
762 Where
Are Your Children Tonight?
By Carole Hurley
766 Wanted:
Loving Homes for Children
By Denise Brady
770 Committee
on Child Abuse and Neglect Celebrates 25 Years
By Fairy Davenport Rutland
772 Ethics
Opinion 601
776 Solo/Small
Firm: Bridging the Gap in a Tough Economy
By Rosalyn R. Tippett
726 Spectrum
728 President’s
730 Technology
774 TYLA
President’s Opinion
778 Disciplinary
784 Lawyers
on the Move
786 Laurels
788 Memorials
792 Classified
798 Client
800 Lawyers/Community
802 Back
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