Classified (Text-only) Advertising in the Texas Bar Journal


  • $95 for up to 50 words, additional words $2 each

  • Box-holder numbers are $25

  • Paralegals and licensed Texas lawyers may place "Position Wanted" ads for $25 (box-holder numbers are $25), additional words $2 each

  • Payment must accompany order


For Sale—Items for sale, including buildings and practices. Note: An advertisement regarding the sale of a practice is subject to review for compliance with the ethics rules in the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct regarding the sale of a practice.

Attorney Wanted—Job opportunities for attorneys.

Paralegal/Legal Assistant Wanted—Job opportunities for paralegals and legal assistants.

Office Space—Office space for lease.

Position Wanted—Paralegals and licensed Texas attorneys seeking employment or work pertaining to practicing law or assisting lawyers with practicing law.

Legal Services—Legal services available for hire—including freelancers or contract workers—to assist attorneys or firms with case development and possibly trial.

Other Services—Services available for hire—including expert witnesses, private investigators, and document examiners—to assist attorneys with case development and possibly trial.

Miscellaneous—Various items.

Ads are accepted and placed according to the discretion of the Texas Bar Journal staff.


All advertisement copy and payments must be received at least 45 days prior to the month of publication (January 15 for March issue). A classified advertisement may be canceled and refunded up to 45 days prior to the month of publication (January 15 for the March issue).

Order online and provide ad copy with payment to:

Mail ad copy with payment to:
Texas Bar Journal 
P.O. Box 12487 
Austin, Texas 78711-2487 

Overnight mail to:
Texas Bar Journal
1414 Colorado Street 
Austin, Texas 78701-1627 


  • Available for $25

  • Numbers are assigned by request for those who wish to maintain confidentiality

  • Advertisers must specify the individual and address to which the responses should be forwarded

  • Responses are forwarded unopened


  • Place your materials in a separate envelope for each box-holder ad to which you wish to respond. 

  • Address each reply as follows: Box-holder No. ________, Texas Bar Journal, P.O. Box 12487, Austin, Texas, 78711-2487.

  • Names of box-holders will not be disclosed.


For more information about running a classified ad, please contact: or 512.427.1701

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