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TBJ Author Interest Form

If you are interested in writing for the Texas Bar Journal, please fill out this author interest form so that we can include you in our database of potential authors. 


Read our submission guidelines to submit a blog for consideration for Texas Bar Blog. 

Texas Bar Blog Author Interest Form

If you are interested in writing for the Texas Bar Blog, please fill out this author interest form so that we can include you in our database of potential authors. 

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Letters to the Editor

Texas lawyers: We want to hear from you. Letters to the editor should be 250 words or fewer and emailed to Letters may be edited for clarity and length and become the property of the magazine, which owns all rights to their use. Editorial staff may limit the number of letters published on a single topic, choosing letters that provide differing perspectives. The Texas Bar Journal gives priority to letters written in response to material previously published in the Texas Bar Journal. For other comments about the State Bar of Texas, please email the State Bar Board of Directors at


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To report an attorney death:

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Movers and Shakers

Movers and Shakers is a selection of Texas attorneys who have been promoted within a firm, transferred to a new firm, established new practices, or achieved exemplary professional accomplishments.

If you have a listing for Movers and Shakers, please fill out our online form.


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Texas Bar Journal
P.O. Box 12487
Austin, TX 78711-2487


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Subscription Rates: One-year subscription (11 issues) price is $12, including sales tax; $15 to foreign countries. Single copies (prepaid only) are $2.50 each, including sales tax.

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Texas Bar Journal
P.O. Box 12487
Austin, TX 78711-2487

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