State Bar of Texas Seal

March 8, 2022

State Bar of Texas Media Statement Regarding Disciplinary Matters in the News

The Chief Disciplinary Counsel’s Office is required to keep disciplinary matters confidential unless they result in a public sanction or the respondent attorney elects to proceed in district court. Absent these conditions, we are unable to confirm whether a grievance exists.

Once a respondent attorney elects to proceed in district court, the existence of the matter is no longer confidential. However, the Chief Disciplinary Counsel’s Office does not comment on the substance of pending cases.

If you have questions about the process in general, please contact Claire Reynolds at or (512) 427-1354.

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The State Bar of Texas is an administrative agency of the Supreme Court of Texas that provides educational programs for the legal profession and the public, administers the minimum continuing legal education program for attorneys, and manages the attorney discipline system. For more information, follow us on Twitter and Instagram @statebaroftexas, like us on Facebook at, or visit

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