Statement Regarding Calls to Sanction Texas Attorneys

When a Texas-licensed lawyer is subject to public controversy, it is common for people to call for the State Bar of Texas to quickly disbar or otherwise sanction the lawyer—or to comment on the attorney’s case.

Under Texas state law, the attorney disciplinary system is a deliberative process with checks and balances designed to protect Texans from unethical attorneys while ensuring due process for lawyers accused of wrongdoing. As such, the State Bar of Texas is never able to immediately discipline an attorney, but instead proceeds deliberately through the process with sanctions issued as appropriate under law according to the facts of each case.

State law also requires the State Bar of Texas to keep all disciplinary case information confidential unless it has been filed in district court or resulted in a public sanction. As a result, the State Bar is typically unable to discuss the existence of pending grievances or confirm investigations into potential attorney wrongdoing.

The State Bar of Texas is committed to protecting the public by ensuring lawyers follow the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct and the Texas Rules of Disciplinary Procedure.

Learn more about the grievance process at

— State Bar of Texas

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