State Bar of Texas
June 18, 2014

Lowell Brown, communications division director
State Bar of Texas
800-204, 2222, ext. 1713, or 512-427-1713

State Bar of Texas to honor Rio Grande Valley attorneys at Annual Meeting

AUSTIN — Presentations of awards honoring exceptional service to the public and the legal profession will be a highlight of the State Bar of Texas Annual Meeting, to be held June 26-27 at the Hilton Austin and Austin Convention Center.

The following Rio Grande Valley attorneys are among those being honored:

  • Thirteenth Court of Appeals Justice Gina M. Benavides of Edinburg, who will receive the Judge of the Year Award from the State Bar of Texas Hispanic Issues Section.
  • Joshua Caldwell of McAllen, who, along with Lisa Richardson of Round Rock, will receive the State Bar of Texas Presidents’ Award. Caldwell, a board member of Law Focused Education, Inc., and Richardson, a member of the Law Focused Education Committee, were instrumental in implementing the State Bar of Texas civics education program “I was the first. Vote for Me!” in several school districts throughout the Rio Grande Valley and the Williamson County area. With the support of their local bar associations, Caldwell and Richardson conducted classroom presentations, contacted school districts to organize presentations for other attorneys, and served as advisors for attorneys interested in conducting the program.
  • Eduardo R. Rodriguez of Brownsville, a former State Bar of Texas president (2005-2006), who will receive the Luther H. Soules Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Practice of Law from the State Bar of Texas Litigation Section. The award recognizes Texas legal practitioners who demonstrate outstanding professionalism and community impact.
  • Eduardo “Eddie” V. Rodriguez of Brownsville, who will receive the Robert B. Wilson Distinguished Service Award from the State Bar of Texas Bankruptcy Law Section.

For more information about the Annual Meeting, visit

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The State Bar of Texas is an administrative agency of the Supreme Court of Texas that provides educational programs for the legal profession and the public, administers the minimum continuing legal education program for attorneys, and manages the attorney discipline system. For more information, visit


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