Jan. 24, 2014

Lowell Brown, public information director
State Bar of Texas

State Bar of Texas nominates president-elect candidates

SAN ANTONIO — The State Bar of Texas Board of Directors today approved the nomination of attorneys Allan DuBois of San Antonio and Beverly Godbey of Dallas as candidates for president-elect.

State Bar of Texas members will begin voting April 1, and election results will be announced April 30. The president-elect will serve as president of the State Bar of Texas from June 2015 until June 2016.

Allan DuBoisDuBois is a solo practitioner at the Law Office of Allan K. DuBois, P.C., in San Antonio, where he handles civil litigation and appeals, mediation, and arbitration. He is a trustee and grants chair of the Texas Bar Foundation and has served on the State Bar of Texas Board of Directors, Executive Committee, Professional Development Program Committee, and Nominations and Elections Committee.

DuBois has also served as an advisor to the State Bar of Texas Alternative Dispute Resolution and Military and Veterans Law sections and the Texas Lawyers’ Assistance Program and Legal Services to the Poor committees. He is a former president of the San Antonio Bar Association, a founding member and current volunteer attorney for Texas Lawyers for Texas Veterans, a former member of the District 10 Grievance Committee Professional Enhancement Panel, and a Sustaining Life Fellow of the Texas Bar Foundation.

DuBois received a B.A. in English from the University of Texas and was an Army ROTC Distinguished Military Graduate in 1967. He earned a J.D. from the University of Texas School of Law in 1970.

Beverly GodbeyGodbey is a partner in Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP whose trial practice emphasizes commercial litigation. She has served as a member and chair of the State Bar of Texas Board of Directors and as chair of the Nominations and Elections Committee and is a former member of the Texas Access to Justice Commission.

She is a member of the Bar Leaders for Justice Committee, the American Law Institute, the Texas Association of Defense Counsel and the Defense Research Institute, and the International Association of Defense Counsel. She is a past president of the Dallas Association of Young Lawyers and the Dallas Bar Association, a Life Fellow of the Texas Bar Foundation and the Dallas Bar Foundation, and a Founding Fellow of the Dallas Association of Young Lawyers Foundation. She also serves on the Texas Center for Legal Ethics Board of Trustees and is a former chair of the Campaign for Equal Access to Justice.

She received a B.A. from Southern Methodist University in 1979 and a J.D. from Tulane University Law School in 1982.

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The State Bar of Texas is an administrative agency of the Supreme Court of Texas that provides educational programs for the legal profession and the public, administers the minimum continuing legal education program for attorneys, and manages the attorney discipline system. For more information, visit

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