MCLE Sponsors
Our application process is completely online. Click here to login to your sponsor portal or to register for an account.
Are you a new CLE sponsor? Download the following PDF documents for additional details:
Accreditation Standards for CLE Activities
This document outlines the criteria that are used to evaluate all CLE activities and to determine if MCLE credit can be granted. MCLE Guide for Bias Courses
Effective June 1, 2021, the State Bar of Texas Board of Directors approved proposed amendments to the MCLE Accreditation Standards to allow ethics credit for implicit and explicit bias courses.MCLE Implicit Bias Course Search
The MCLE department maintains a listing of all Bias continuing legal education activities that have been accredited for Texas MCLE legal ethics credit.-
MCLE Regulations
The following Sections include important information about MCLE accreditation and the responsibilities of CLE sponsors: Section 2 (Categories of Credit), Section 6 (Attendance Reporting), and Section 10 (Accreditation of CLE Activities).
Contact Us
Please contact the MCLE Department with any additional questions.
Contact Information
Phone: 512-427-1806
Fax: 512-427-4423
Mailing Address
State Bar of Texas
MCLE Department
PO Box 13007
Austin, TX 78711-3007