
General Resources

Breathe Free: A Guide to Immigration (PDF)
Immigration law, which sets forth the rules on when and how a non-U.S. citizen may enter the country, is an integral part of our society. This guide is intended to give you a broad understanding of the process. 

Conozca sus derechos - TYLA/ProBAR Unaccompanied Children's Project (YouTube video)
Presentación de los menores detenidos en Inmigración en procedimientos de deportación.
Cada año, cientos de niños sin la compañia de un adulto llegan a la frontera de Texas después de huir de abuso, abandono o persecución en sus países de origen. Sin una representación legal adecuada, estos niños permanecen en detención, incapaces de navegar por el complicado sistema de inmigración y enfrentando una deportación. La Asociación de Abogados Jovenes de Texas de la Barra de Abogados de Texas (TYLA) se ha asociado con el Projecto de Representacion de Asilo Gratuito del Sur de Texas (ProBar) para aumentar la conciencia, participación y entreanamiento sobre este tema, y para proveer servicios gratuitos legales a esto niños inmigrantes.

Know Your Rights
Presentation for Unaccompanied Detained Minors in Immigration Removal Proceedings. (Spanish-language video) 
Each year, hundreds of unaccompanied children reach the Texas border after fleeing abuse, neglect, or persecution in their home countries. Without adequate legal representation, these children remain in detention, unable to navigate the complicated immigration system and facing almost certain deportation. TYLA has partnered with the South Texas Pro Bono Asylum Representation Project (ProBar), to increase awareness, participation, and training on this issue, and to provide pro bono legal services to the unaccompanied immigrant children.

Notario Fraud

“Notarios” or “immigration consultants” are increasingly targeting immigrants throughout the United States, using false advertising, fraudulent contracts, charging large sums of money, and ultimately providing no help to individuals. Immigrants often turn to notarios in hopes of gaining legal status or for assistance in drafting other legal documents. In many cases, however, notarios ruin any chance for immigrants to obtain legal status.

The resources on this page are intended to inform the public about this dangerous practice and provide help to victims.

Media Reports

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