The State Bar of Texas relies on the work of volunteers to help achieve its mission in service to lawyers and the general public. Current volunteer opportunities appear below.
Pro Bono Opportunities
In Texas, we are lucky to have choices when it comes to pro bono. There is a pro bono opportunity for everyone. Learn more here.
SOLACE (Support of Lawyers - All Concern Encouraged) is a program designed to assist attorneys or their families when catastrophic events or health situations take place. The SOLACE program connects those in the Texas legal community who are experiencing a hardship with those willing and able to help. Learn more here.
Standing Committees
Standing committees are established by the State Bar of Texas Board of Directors, and members are appointed by the president-elect to consider matters of interest, update professional materials, recommend changes to policies and procedures, and study legal issues affecting the legal profession and the public. To submit your interest to serve on a standing committee, please complete the Standing Committee Interest Form below.
Standing Committee Interest Form
The Standing Committee Interest Form will open September 1 and close December 1. The appointment process begins in January and letters are mailed out at the end of May. New appointment terms begin at the end of Annual Meeting in June each year.
Unauthorized Practice of Law Committee Appointed by the Supreme Court of Texas
The Unauthorized Practice of Law Committee (UPLC) appointed by the Supreme Court of Texas is charged with eliminating the unauthorized practice of law (UPL) in Texas. The UPLC is staffed by volunteers, both lawyers and non-lawyers, who investigate complaints of UPL. Lawyer-members of the UPLC and its subcommittees prosecute injunction lawsuits, when appropriate, to stop further UPL identified through the UPLC’s investigations. Through the work of its volunteer members, the UPLC protects the public from persons providing “legal services” without the necessary education and training. UPL can result in substantial harm to the public through the loss of money, property, or rights. If you are interested in making a substantial and lasting impact in your community by upholding standards of the legal profession and protecting the public, please contact the UPLC administrator at for more information and an application to serve on the committee.