Executive Director's Page February 2022

Benchmarking Our Bar’s Progress

Headshot of Trey Apffel

I’ve written before about how the State Bar of Texas strives to provide value to Texas lawyers while keeping costs down. That goal is as important as ever considering the continuing economic strain many lawyers are facing because of COVID-19.

I hope you’ll read President Sylvia Borunda Firth’s column on page 112 of this issue about State Bar programs and services designed to support Texas lawyers’ practices. And a future column in this space will focus on the State Bar’s commitment to fiscal responsibility as displayed in its proposed 2022-2023 budget.

But for now, I’d like to do something a little different and share some statistics in graphic form. These charts, based on the 2021 State and Local Bar Benchmarks Survey,1 show how Texas compares to other mandatory bar associations that have at least 50,000 members. I hope you find them interesting.

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Executive Director, State Bar of Texas
Editor-in-Chief, Texas Bar Journal

Trey Apffel can be reached at 512-427-1500, trey.apffel@texasbar.com or @ApffelT on Twitter.


1. 2021 State and Local Bar Benchmarks Survey, American Bar Association Division for Bar Services.


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