Hardship Waiver for Membership Dues

(Pursuant to State Bar Rule Art. III, Section 8(B))

To request a waiver for membership dues, due to illness, disability, or other extraordinary circumstances beyond the member’s control, please send the following documents to the State Bar Membership Department prior to the August 31 deadline:

  1. Hardship Waiver of Membership Dues Request Form;

  2. A written statement outlining the circumstances upon which the request for waiver of dues is based (Please do not send medical records);

  3. A written statement by the member - either sworn to before a notary or made under penalty of perjury - averring that the circumstances, upon which the request is based, are beyond the member’s control and the direct cause of the member’s inability to pay membership dues.

Send the request form and both written statements to the State Bar Membership Department:

State Bar of Texas
Membership Department
PO Box 12487
Austin, Texas 78711-2487
Fax: (512) 427-4424

A letter will be sent to the attorney confirming or denying the request. For information regarding inactive status, please click here.

If you have questions, please contact the Membership Department at (512) 427-1383 or memmail@texasbar.com.

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