On April 19, 2024, the State Bar Board of Directors approved a 10%
increase in membership dues rates, as authorized by statute, to be
effective June 1, 2025. The Supreme Court of Texas approved the
increase on May 28, 2024.
Texas lawyers must pay annual membership dues as follows:
After June 1, 2025:
Licensed less than 3 years = $74.00
Licensed 3-5 years = $162.00
Licensed more than 5 years = $258.00
Inactive Attorneys = $55.00
Before June 1, 2025:
Licensed less than 3 years = $68.00
Licensed 3-5 years = $148.00
Licensed more than 5 years = $235.00
Inactive Attorneys = $50.00
Membership fees are due each year on the 1st day of the State Bar's
fiscal year (June 1).
If admitted to practice law in Texas after December 1, membership
dues are pro-rated (50%) for that year.
Suspension and Late Penalties
If membership fees are received after August 31 of any fiscal year,
the member will be placed on an administrative suspension for
non-payment of membership fees, and they must pay a 50% late penalty to
reinstate their license.
If membership fees are received after November 30 of any fiscal
year, the suspended member must pay a 100% penalty to reinstate their
Contact Us
If you have questions regarding membership fees, please contact
the Membership Department at 512-427-1383 or memmail@texasbar.com.
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