Women in the Profession Committee
Created in 1989Purpose
To assess the status of women in the legal profession; to identify barriers that prevent women lawyers from full participation in the work, responsibilities, and rewards of the profession; to develop educational programs and materials to address discrimination against women lawyers; and to make recommendations to the State Bar Board of Directors for action to address problems identified by the committee. Meets quarterly.
2024-2025 Projects and Objectives
This year we plan to continue with and build upon our projects from last year including:
Virtual CLE
Book Club
Promoting International Women's Day events in the State.
Free CLEs
Watch the recording of the CLE here.
Award Opportunities
Department Contact
Office of Minority Affairs
(512) 427-1538
Fax: (512) 427-4439
Staff Contact
Caren Cheavens
(512) 427-1735
Paige Mims
(972) 941-5235