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Online Resources

The Disability Issues Committee exists to provide support and resources for Texas attorneys and law students with disabilities, members of the public who are affected or know someone who is affected by a disability, and all who are interested in helping to improve the lives of individuals with disabilities.

The committee has prepared this collection of online resources to help you access more information about disability rights and disability-related programs and services designed to help people with disabilities lead meaningful, independent lives.

This collection includes links and resources in the following content areas:

Filing a Complaint

General Information

Disability Law and Policy Research


Accessibility and Architectural Compliance (including housing)

  • U.S. Access Board - Develops and maintains design criteria for the building environment, transit vehicles, telecommunications equipment, and for electronic and information technology

  • Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation - Architectural Barriers division - Regulates the Texas Architectural Barriers Act (TABA), which mandates design and construction requirements that promote essential accessibility for Texans with disabilities

  • Fair Housing Accessibility FIRST - An initiative sponsored by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) designed to promote compliance with the Fair Housing Act design and construction requirements:


Housing Discrimination

Child and Youth

  • LD OnLine - This site offers hundreds of expert-reviewed articles and resources for educators, parents, and others concerned about children with learning disabilities and ADHD. Includes good, basic analysis of the rights of students in K-12 and in postsecondary educational settings

  • The Family Village is a web site for children and adults with disabilities, their families, and their friends and allies. Family Village brings together thousands of online resources in an organized, easy-to-use directory. The centerpiece of Family Village is the library, where visitors can find information on over 300 diagnoses

  • A Guidebook for Visually Impaired Students - provides a comprehensive resource where students can find scholarships and information about assistive technology.

Social Security Benefits for People with Disabilities

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