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Law Students

If you need accommodations taking the LSAT

Accommodations may be available to individuals with documented disabilities who are registered to take the LSAT. Please be aware that submission of the Accommodations Request Packet does not guarantee testing accommodations. Decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis on the documentation submitted. For more information, see LSAT Accommodated Testing.

Law School Disability Programs

The ABA Commission on Disability Rights offers a Law School Disability Program Directory.

If you need accommodations taking the Bar Exam

The Texas Board of Law Examiners (BLE) offers a form you may fill out to request accommodations when taking the Texas Bar Exam. Download the BLE accommodations form here.

Paralegal/Legal Assistant Students

If you need accommodations when taking the SAT

Please talk with your ARD/504 committee or a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor prior to registering for the SAT.

If you need accommodations during your paralegal/legal assistant degree

Please register with your school’s disability student service office the first semester you enter college/university. The disability student services office is a different campus office from admissions and financial aid. Please provide your class schedule to the disability student services office each semester you are enrolled. After you receive a signed letter with your approved accommodations, you send it to all of your professors. Registering with the disability student services office helps ensure approved accommodations are granted and provided.


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