Military Waiver for Dues

Attorneys serving in the U.S. Armed Forces performing services in a combat zone—who will not practice law in Texas during this time period—are eligible to be considered for a waiver of annual bar dues for each fiscal year.*

If you are an attorney member in a combat zone or about to be deployed to a combat zone, please follow these steps:

Steps and What To Expect

  1. Download the waiver form.

  2. Complete the form and attach your military assignment order. Send both documents to the State Bar of Texas Membership Department (see below).

  3. The Membership Department forwards your waiver request to the Supreme Court of Texas, which is the authority that sets member dues.

  4. The Supreme Court will review your waiver request and return it to the State Bar of Texas. If there are any problems, we will contact you.

  5. If your deployment orders change and you are able to notify us, please contact us. Otherwise, we will not change your military waiver status until you notify us upon your release from duty in a combat zone.

  6. If you have already paid your dues for the current fiscal year, you may request a refund. Your annual dues will be waived for any subsequent fiscal year(s) as designated in your deployment orders.

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Contact Us

Send us your request by email, mail or fax to:


State Bar of Texas
Membership Department
P. O. Box 12487
Austin, TX 78711

Express Mail

State Bar of Texas
Membership Department
1414 Colorado
Austin, TX 78701



(512) 427-1383


(512) 427-4424

Thank you for your service to our country. Please contact us if you have questions.

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