Lawyers and the Client Attorney Assistance Program

The Client Attorney Assistance Program is a voluntary, confidential dispute resolution service of the State Bar of Texas. The objective is to facilitate communication and foster productive dialogue to assist Texas lawyers and their clients in resolving minor concerns, disputes, or misunderstandings within the context of the attorney-client relationship.

CAAP takes a holistic approach to public protection by managing client expectations while empowering consumers of legal services to take a productive, proactive interest in their own legal matters. CAAP coaches clients on communication techniques and methodologies, and provides information on various resources and procedures to help clients navigate a complex legal system. Launched statewide in 2003, CAAP helps more than 25,000 clients per year understand the legal process and communicate respectfully and professionally with their attorneys. If you receive a letter from CAAP, please be responsive. CAAP is here to help!

Attorney Resources 

Sample documents lawyers may find helpful. 

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